Discover Elis

Key figures

  • 55,000


  • 76 %

    employee satisfaction rate in 2023; satisfaction survey carried out every 2 years

  • 20 %

    of new managers promoted internally in 2023

  • 32 %

    of new managers appointed in 2023 were women

  • 29

    Elis is present in 29 countries

Multiple careers and thousands of opportunities. Sounds interesting?

Production, commercial distribution, logistics, support functions, etc.: Elis offers a wide range of opportunities all over the world! Take a closer look; there's sure to be a job that's made for you.

  • Production

    Il s’agit de notre métier historique, qui est aujourd’hui pratiqué dans plus de 300 blanchisseries industrielles dans le monde. Dans chacune d’elle, nos équipes opérationnelles assurent quotidiennement le nettoyage du linge et des vêtements de nos clients professionnels.

  • Développement Client

    Chez Elis, nous sommes au service de nos clients, nous garantissons leur satisfaction afin qu’ils puissent se concentrer sur leur propre activité. Nous leur avons donc consacré plusieurs métiers, nous permettant de les suivre avec soin pendant toute la durée de leur contrat.

  • Maintenance

    Responsable maintenance, adjoint(e) responsable de maintenance, technicien(ne) de maintenance : trois métiers au cœur de l’outil de production dans le respect des procédures de sécurité et de qualité. À ce poste, vous êtes l’un des maillons essentiels de notre qualité de service.

  • Logistique

    Nous sommes propriétaires de notre principal moyen logistique, les camions, que nos agents utilisent pour livrer les clients de leurs tournées. Nous gérons en parallèle de nombreux flux d’approvisionnement et de livraison d’articles textiles et d’équipements d’hygiène.

  • Direction de Centre de Profit

    Nos centres forment un réseau de PME autonomes, dans lesquelles l’industrie se mêle à une activité de services. Cette chaine de valeur a pour objectif commun la satisfaction de nos clients.

  • Fonctions support / Siège

    Au sein de nos différentes directions, vous pourrez vous épanouir et faire grandir le Groupe. Du marketing, en passant par la vente, la finance, l’informatique ou les ressources humaines, il y a un métier et une carrière qui vous attendent !

  • Ressources Humaines

    Piloter les relations sociales, recruter les bons profils, valoriser les collaborateurs, accompagner leurs carrières, s’assurer de leur formation et de leur épanouissement au sein du Groupe… Tous ces objectifs constituent un enjeu majeur pour la réussite d’Elis.

  • Marketing & Communication

    Chez Elis, la Direction Marketing et Communication regroupe l’expérience client (avec au centre la satisfaction client !) et la communication, véritable service support pour l’ensemble des directions du Groupe avec comme missions la création d’outils institutionnels, la mise en œuvre de la stratégie digitale, la promotion des produits et services et l’organisation d’événements.

  • IT

    La Direction Transformation et Systèmes d’Information (DTSI) a pour mission d’améliorer la performance du Groupe avec des solutions informatiques innovantes : développement des applications, pilotage des structures, sécurité des systèmes d’informations, etc.

  • Juridique et Finance

    La Direction Administrative & Financière (DAF) pilote la performance, réalise des acquisitions (une dizaine par an) et des structurations financières pertinentes pour maintenir le leadership du Groupe. Elle comprend les directions : juridique, administrative, comptable, contrôle de gestion, trésorerie, risk management, audit interne et relations investisseurs. Elle pilote aussi 10 directions financières dans les pays où rayonne Elis.

  • Ventes

    Avec plus de 300 commerciaux en France dédiés à la prospection de nouveaux clients, nous avons une force de vente reconnue pour son efficacité. Notre cible commerciale est large, puisque nos services s’adressent à tout type de clients professionnels.

    Passionné(e) par la vente, vous trouverez forcément un poste adapté à vos attentes.

    Nos métiers :

    • Attaché commercial
    • Chargé d’affaires
    • Responsable Régional des Ventes

Looking for growth and development in your career?

If the answer's "no", ELIS isn't for you.

But if you want to join a group that believes in its employees, and in developing their skill sets, head this way! Because at Elis, we not only offer, and mobility options. Sounds like something you could get involved in?

Our commitments

Joining Elis means becoming part of a group with more than 75-years of commitment to circular services, with a DNA and business culture that sets it apart. Want to hear more?

  • Multinational, but never distant

    Yes, we have operations all across the world, but no – that doesn't mean we're strangers to one another. Fostering a climate of trust, kindness, support, respect and solidarity is crucial to us. With over 500 employees at our head office and workforces ranging from 100 - 300 employees in each facility, we continue to operate on a human scale, and to ensure every team plays a part in the group's major projects.

  • We believe in the circular economy – how about you?

    At Elis, we're taking more action than ever to reduce our impact on the planet. As a committed company and a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we're mindful of the need for continuous improvement in energy performance and equality. In the field, we prefer services to products, rental to purchasing, and we are actively developing eco-designed solutions. But that's not all: our Code of Ethics reflects our commitments, and our Foundation upholds the values of respect, promoting education and occupational integration.

  • Around here, safety is something we don't take lightly

    What's our approach to safety? The Elis approach is based on the active participation of every employee and manager. In order to pursue our "zero accidents" objective, we've established 10 Golden Safety Rules. The goal? To develop a culture that fosters the adoption of good habits and contributes to creating a safe working environment. In practical terms, this means raising awareness of the risk of fire or physical accidents, improving workstation ergonomics and hygiene protocols, and anticipating the specific risks inherent to each job type.

  • Entrepreneurial spirit

    At Elis, we love to see people taking initiative, making suggestions and getting things done. In order to encourage this entrepreneurial spirit, we trust each other. We don't hesitate to give responsibility on to young managers – for example, by trusting them to run profit centres. And in return for this commitment, we like to ensure our employees are rewarded! Profit-sharing schemes are available to give teams a stake in the company's performance.

  • For more of a challenge, head this way

    Elis is a group that believes you're never too old to evolve, to push your limits and learn new skills. We value individual performance, skills development and internal mobility. Whether it's about moving up to management or changing jobs altogether: anything is possible when you have motivation and potential on your side. This starts early with our interns, apprentices and international internship participants, whose growth we foster within the group.

  • Here, training is an continuous process

    A top priority for Elis? The quality of internal training. New programs are regularly created in order to address the group's needs. One of the most recent of these, the Sales training path at the Elis Academy, trains sales agents using innovative methods and educational games, enabling them to learn in a way that's more collaborative, efficient and fun.

  • Finding solutions together

    Working conditions, hours, safety, career development, etc.: we're on hand in the field to listen to what our teams have to say. It is through exchanging, and by getting everyone fully involved in building solutions, that we are able to grow the company together. And there's proof that our employees appreciate this approach: in 2023, 76% of them reported job satisfaction at Elis – and we have no intention of stopping there!

  • Diversity is in our DNA

    Respect for others, exemplary conduct, integrity and responsibility: these values have sustained us from the outset, guiding our actions and inspiring our choices. That's why we're committed to using every available resource to deliver a policy of diversity, equality and inclusion that prevents discrimination in all its forms. Among other means, this is achieved through equality of opportunity and of treatment, and by offering a workplace that is adapted to the needs of each and every individual.