Innovation at Elis
Innovation at Elis
Elis has always been innovating and diversifying its hygiene and well-being services ever since it was created in 1883. We are now living in an era of big change, both in terms of digital technologies and uses, and this innovative spirit is still alive, meeting new customer demands, creating new services or optimising existing ones.
Design innovation: from need to solution
Everything begins with a customer (internal or external) telling us what their needs are. We then seek to create the optimal solution for them. Supervised by Innovation project managers and following approval from a dedicated committee, independent teams dispatched to our various departments begin working on an R&D phase, before conducting feasibility studies and several POCs to test the solution they have come up with. We use design thinking with iterative development and short decision-making circuits. Once the customer signs off the solution, it is then rolled out with assistance from the usual central support services.
This work is helping to create ground-breaking solutions, such as smart washroom appliances, digital sizing tools and even sales support tools that use augmented reality technology.
Increasing innovation partnerships
Elis welcomes technological innovations developed outside the company, so that it can adopt the most promising advances early on and adapt them to its business as quickly as possible.
This approach has led to a dozen or so partnerships with start-ups and innovative SMEs with the potential to complement our offering.
1 POC: Proof of Concept
Four flagship Elis innovations
Eco-designed mats
Smart washrooms
Next generation sizing
Augmented reality
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