Talent development

Join Elis

If you want a top-class recruitment process, come this way

At Elis, we believe that recruitment is crucial, and everybody's business. Whether or not we move forward together, every manager is trained and attuned to offer you the best possible experience. Here, you're much more than a number.


The entire recruitment process involves 3 - 4 interviews. You'll be glad to know that half of these can be carried out remotely with the HR teams. For operational roles we prefer on-site meetings, as these offer a proper insight into the job experience. 


At Elis, we believe that the recruitment process should always be constructive and supportive. Respecting candidates throughout each meeting is something that means a lot to us. How about you?

Challenging candidates

Here, each candidate meets their future site manager or department head during the recruitment process, and should emerge from every interview with something to take away: advice, opinions, knowledge, etc.

Don't choose us if you're not curious about all our careers

For us, onboarding is key. That's why we offer every employee a tailored development path that starts the moment they arrive. While the experience and the steps involved may vary from role to role, the idea is to enable you to explore all the other occupations you'll be working with, through immersion sessions either in the field or at our head office (or both!)

Immersion in the field
Immersion at the head office

At a production centre, you'll explore Elis' core activities: production, maintenance, sales, logistics and much more besides.

 At our head office in Saint Cloud, Paris, you'll meet the managers of our various departments and their teams, to gain a deeper understanding of their projects and responsibilities.

Like the sound of training and evolving within the same group?

Well then, we have something in common. At Elis we like to retain our talents and watch them thrive alongside us. Above and beyond skills, we are looking for candidates who are ready to grow within the Group.  To make this happen, we offer:

  • A rich and diversified range of training options, so that employees can continue developing their skills and drive their career forward.
  • Internal mobility, whether horizontal, vertical or geographical (in France and abroad).

Going from commercial services to manager, or from recent graduate to manager :

At Elis, it's possible !

At Elis, we don't take our development programs lightly. 

In particular, we offer two tailor-made courses to ensure employees are fully prepared for their next move:

  • The DISCO excellence program allows commercial services employees to undergo a 10-month management course in preparation for roles in management.
  • The Graduate Program is a 2-year mentoring program, aimed at recent graduates aspiring to managerial roles. It is broken down into four 6-month periods spent in production centres, at the head office, in international positions and in an immersive managerial experience. 

In order to offer the best possible managerial experience, Elis France operates its own training centre, located at Janville Manor in Normandy. This unique location, surrounded by greenery, takes in staff from all our departments (sales, production, support functions, etc.) in order to enhance their skill sets and responsibilities.


Diversity is in our DNA

Respect for others, exemplary conduct, integrity and responsibility: these values have sustained us from the outset, guiding our actions and inspiring our choices. That's why we're committed to using every available resource to deliver a policy of diversity, equality and inclusion that prevents discrimination in all its forms. Among other means, this is achieved through equality of opportunity and of treatment, and by offering a workplace that is adapted to the needs of each and every individual.

Job offers

  • Opérateur(trice) de production H/F


    🇫🇷 Bouches du Rhône (13)

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  • Technico-commercial Pest Control H/F


    🇫🇷 Var (83)

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  • Technicien de Laboratoire Qualité H/F


    🇫🇷 Essonne (91)

    See more
  • Développement RH - Compensation and Benefit H/F


    🇫🇷 Hauts-de-Seine (92)

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  • Technicien(ne) de maintenance industrielle H/F


    🇫🇷 Isère (38)

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  • Alternance RSE H/F


    🇫🇷 Hauts-de-Seine (92)

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  • Responsable développement Clients H/F


    🇫🇷 Alpes Maritimes (06)

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  • Chef de Projets Environnement H/F


    🇫🇷 Ile-de-France

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  • Chauffeur - Livreur Poids Lourd H/F


    🇫🇷 Essonne (91)

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  • Adjoint Responsable de Production H/F


    🇫🇷 Gard (30)

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