Legal notice

SAS Elis Services

5 Boulevard Louis Loucheur

92210 Saint-Cloud, France

Tel.: +33 (0)1 75 49 94 00

S.A.S (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of €16,000,075

Nanterre Trade and Companies Register no. 693 001 091

SIRET no: 693 001 091 00091

VAT no.: FR 54 693 001 091

Publication director: Xavier Martiré

Editor: Edwige Renier



Purpose of the website

The purpose of this notice is to define the procedures by which Elis Services makes its website (“the Website”) available to users and the conditions according to which they access and use the Website. All connections to the Website must comply with this legal notice, which Elis Services reserves the right to modify or update at any time. Access to and use of the Website entails your adherence to this legal notice. If you do not agree with the clauses set forth below, you are advised not to use this Website.

Access to the website

Elis Services strives to keep the Website accessible, without being under any obligation to do so. Access to the Website may be interrupted for the purpose of maintenance and updates and for any other reason, including technical reasons. Elis is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the possible consequences for the user.

Intellectual property rights

The contents (including data, information, photos, illustrations, logos, brands, etc.) that appear or are available on the Website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of their respective publishers. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, modification or diffusion, in whole or in part, of the content of Elis Services’ Website that belongs to it or to a third party, by any means whatsoever, is illegal, except for a single copy on a single computer exclusively reserved for the private and personal use of the user.

The information presented on this Website is subject to change without notice. It is provided without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied, and cannot give rise to any right to compensation. The information and images on the Website are protected by the © 2019 Elis copyright or the copyright of Elis’s partners. The logos are registered trademarks.

Conditions of use

None of the documents from the Website may be copied, reproduced, published, downloaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any manner, except in the case of the simple storage of the documents on a personal computer for your personal use and for non-commercial purposes. In this case, the mentions of ownership must be kept intact. The alteration and modification of these documents or their use for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of the property rights of Elis Services or third parties.


The documents and information distributed on are provided on an “as is” basis, with no express or tacit guarantee of any kind whatsoever. Elis Services reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its website at any time, without notice. Elis cannot be held responsible in the event of contamination of the computer equipment of internet users resulting from the propagation of a virus or other computer infections. It is the responsibility of the users of this website to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the internet. Under no circumstances can Elis Services, its employees, its suppliers or the partners mentioned on its website be held liable, under an action for contractual liability, tort liability or any other action, for any direct or indirect, incidental or accessory damage or damage of any kind whatsoever or for any harm, including of a financial or commercial nature, resulting from the use of its website or from any information obtained on its website.


The Website may contain hyperlinks to partner sites of Elis Services or of third parties. Elis Services has no control over these websites and is therefore not responsible for their availability or their content or the advertising, products and/or services available on or originating from them. The creation of hyperlinks to the Website is subject to the prior agreement of Elis Services.


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