Elis unveils its climate strategy by 2030...
... underscoring its commitment to contributing to a low-carbon economy.
Elis' climate strategy
MooventoR : Enhanced-visibility protective clothing for light industry and logistics
Enhanced-visibility protective clothing for medium-risk situations – EN 17353 standard
Elis offers rental and maintenance solutions for its watercoolers
We strongly believe that service is key. We thus automatically include a device service when you subscribe to a “Beverages” solution.
Industrial wiping: A growing textile offering replacing single-use solutions
Mindful of its environmental and social impact, and keen to help its customers become more responsible, Elis brings you its new absorbent mat: the Mastermat.
Elis Apeldoorn: Our remarkable plant specialised in industrial wiping
Our environmentally responsible laundry facility in Apeldoorn rents out, collects, cleans and supplies wipers and Mastermat absorbent mats in line with a process grounded in responsibility.
Industrial wiping: Our responsible industry solution
Our range, designed for the automotive and metallurgy sectors, now includes wipers and Mastermat absorbent mats. What are they for? These products efficiently collect oils and fats, metal shavings, aqueous liquids and any other industrial residue. The wipers and absorbent mats are used in production and maintenance areas to promote a clean – and therefore safe – working environment.
Mastermat absorbent mat
Designed for production and maintenance areas that can withstand oil and water leaks, the Mastermat absorbent mat has a high absorption capacity. Used alongside wipers, this mat helps keep your establishment clean and safe for your teams. We clean and deliver mats and collect dirty mats. Elis takes care of handling specific waste, which spares you the processes and costs associated with a collector, as required by law
Elis unveils its Raison d'Etre and a new signature: “Circular services at work”
A circular economy pioneer, Elis is unveiling its raison d’être and a new signature, "Circular services at work", which embody its long-term commitment to the environment and local development. Elis is thus underscoring its ambition to bring to life on a daily basis a central pillar of the Group's DNA: sustainability. It also reaffirms Elis’ values with its employees, clients, partners, and shareholders.