Elis Pest Control service includes:
Sycamore lace bug
The sycamore lace bug is a tiny flying biting-sucking insect, with complete metamorphosis. It is transparent and about 3 millimeters long. As its name suggests, it nests and feeds on plane tree leaves, but can also bite humans.
In spring and summer, the female can lay between 200 and 300 eggs. The sycamore lace bug is a harmful insect that can cause serious damage to trees (mainly pines and plane trees). It represents a danger for humans and animals.
A service concerned with its environmental impact
The environmental impact is at the core of our priorities; our interventions are based on the integrated pest management method, establishes from the adoption of innovative techniques and solutions that are more respectful of the environment.
This implies a systematic diagnosis of your facility that allows us to :
- adapt our services to your sector of activity.
- opt for non-toxic solutions according to the targeted pest.
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