Why not become an employee shareholder?

Didier Lachaud ELIS

For the 5th time, Elis launches its Elis For All operation by including a new country in the program: the Colombia.
Since 2019, our employee shareholding plans have been demonstrating employees' confidence in Elis, and they will be nearly 50,000 employees to have access this year.
They also demonstrate the Group's commitment of a long-term relationships with its teams.
Between 17 September and 3 October 2024, you will have the opportunity to subscribe indirectly* to Elis shares on preferential terms via the Group Savings Plan.
We look forward to counting you among our shareholders.

Didier Lachaud Group HR Manager

Elis launches its fifth employee share ownership plan

Launched in 18 countries and available to more than 50,000 employees, this plan allows you to subscribe for Elis shares on preferential terms and to become an indirect shareholder through the employee investment fund.

Between 17 September and 3 October 2024, you can choose to invest in the company and become involved in the Group’s development on a sustained basis.

Watch more about the offer

Details of the offer

  • Icon-decoteElis


    30% discount on the reference Elis share price

  • icon-Abondement-Elis

    Matching contribution

    1 free share for every 10 subscribed shares

  • icon-cadenasElis

    Your investment

    Your investment is locked for 5 years, except in cases where early release is permitted (see local supplement)

  • Icon-coursdelactionElis

    Your investment

    Your investment is linked to the changes in Elis's share price, both upwards and downwards

  • Icon-dividendeElis


    Over the course of the plan (three years), any dividends are reinvested in units in the employee investment fund

  • Icon-calculatorElis

    Account fees

    The account fees charged by the employee investment fund are covered by Elis

Timeline — Key dates of the scheme (French)

EFA 2023 calendrier

Subscribe to the offer in just a few clicks

You can apply in minutes via a simple and secure online platform:

  • Click on the button "I am participating" to login to the subscription website

  • Use the username and password sent to you by letter

  • Check and update your personal information

  • Enter the amount you want to invest

  • Validate your subscription

Download documents


  • What is Elis For All?

    Elis for all is the name of the Elis Group employee share ownership plan.

    With its third employee share ownership plan, Elis wants employee share ownership to be one of the driving forces for its development and employee engagement.

  • Who can take part?

    To be eligible, you need to have been an employee of the Group for at least three months as of the opening date of the subscription period.

  • How much can I invest?

    The minimum investment amount in Elis for all is set at €50.

    The maximum amount is equal to a quarter of your estimated gross annual salary for 2024 and is capped at €50,000.

  • What is the reference price?

    Reference price: the average opening price of Elis shares on the 20 trading days preceding the launch of the scheme.

  • At what price will the shares be offered to employees?

    Employees will receive a 30% discount on the reference price. The reference price will be the average opening stock exchange price over the 20 trading days between 19 August and 13 September 2024 included. It will be set and announced on 16 September 2024.

  • What does matching contribution mean?

    The matching contribution is a contribution of company shares (vesting at the end of the blocking period, provided that the employee still works for the Group on this date) which complements the employees’ payment to increase the number of shares acquired.

  • What is the subscription price?

    The subscription price is the price at which employees purchase shares as part of the plan. The subscription price is calculated from the reference price, which is equal to the average opening stock exchange price of Elis shares over the 20 trading days before the price is set. The goal is to smooth out pricing differences over the period before the subscription. The subscription price will be set by applying a 30% discount to the reference price.

  • How can I pay?

    Your subscription must be paid by direct debit by 6 September october 2024, in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the local supplement. Please refer to this for more information.


  • Is it possible to change or cancel my subscription after the end of the subscription period?

    No. At the end of the subscription period, your subscription will be considered irrevocable and the investment must therefore be honoured.

  • What happens throughout the duration of the plan?

    Your investment will track the performance of the share price, both upwards and downwards.
    During the investment period, any dividends will be automatically reinvested in the FCPE and will increase your number of units.
    Your assets will be unavailable until 2029, except in the case of early release as permitted by law.

  • And after the subscription?

    If you have made a voluntary payment, it will be deducted from your bank account around October 31, 2024. The contribution is exempt from income tax but subject to CSG/CRDS (9.7%) when you subscribe. If you benefit from a contribution, the amount of CSG/CRDS will be deducted from your pay for November 2024.

  • When can I get an early exit?

    Early exit cases

    • Marriage
    • 3rd child is born / adopted
    • Divorce / Separation
    • Disability
    • Death
    • Termination of employment contract
    • Creation of new business
    • Over-indebtness
    • Acquisition / enlargement of principal residence
    • Domestic violence


If you have any questions about the Elis for all scheme, you can contact your local HR department. You can also send an email to the following address: fr.elisforall@elis.com.