CDP 2023 results : Elis continue its climate commitments with a new A- rating
Following an A- rating in the CDP 2022 (Carbon Disclosure Project), Elis has confirmed its efforts to tackling climate change. Of the 23,000 companies responded to CDP, 346 were rated A in 2023, companies ranking from the highest "A" to the lowest "D-".
Elis' A- rating places the Group for the second year in row to the Leadership category. This performance positions Elis among the most committed companies.
We can be very proud of the Group's commitment to climate issues and The benefits of its "circular economy" model, which favours sustainable purchasing alternatives that have less impact on the environment.
Des engagements climatiques réussis
Parmi les 23 000 entreprises évaluées, 346 entreprises ont été classées A en 2023 sur un classement allant de la meilleure note "A" à la plus faible "D-". La note de A- attribuée à Elis place le Groupe pour la deuxième année consécutive dans la catégorie Leadership et positionne Elis parmi les entreprises les plus engagées. Cette performance souligne l’engagement du Groupe sur les sujets climat et les bénéfices de son modèle d’économie circulaire» qui privilégie des alternatives à l'achat durables et moins impactantes pour l'environnement.
What is the CDP ? (Carbon Disclosure Project)
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is a very comprehensive and highly recognized questionnaire on Climate Change covering topics such as Strategy, Risk & Opportunity management, Climate Goals, Annual climate performance, Third party engagement… This questionnaire firstly used by Investors is now more and more used by customers to assess Supplier Climate maturity and capture information such as CO2 emissions linked to the services delivered.
This CDP form is also aligned with best practices in terms of Climate Reporting (TCFD- Task force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure)
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