Elis Group joins ranks with world leading businesses at COP26

With a circular business model at its core, Elis Group joins ranks with world leading businesses at COP26

Elis reinforces its sustainability commitments.

COP26 is the 26th annual UN climate conference taking place in Glasgow from October 31st to November 12th, 2021. This event follows the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – world top climate researchers council) report published in August, stressing the need for immediate climate action to mitigate dramatical and irreversible climate change.

By participating at COP26 along with other major leading brands, Elis reinforces its  long standing sustainability commitments.

Recently, Elis Group has joined several initiatives focusing on Climate: Ambition 4 Climate, French Business Climate Pledge and announced subsidiaries committing to Net Zero Emissions (Elis UK by 2045 and Elis Sweden by 2035).

Xavier Martiré

At Elis we are convinced that circular economy– which involves reducing the consumption of natural resources and keeping material in use– is a key solution to addressing the finite planetary boundaries and current environmental challenges - Climate Change ¬especially.

Xavier Martiré Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer

A comprehensive climate commitment

In 2020, the Elis Group announced its new 2025 corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme. Several commitments are geared towards tackling climate change:

  • Reducing by 20% CO2 emissions intensity in our operations by 2025 compared to 2010;
  • Improving by 35% thermal energy efficiency of our European plants by 2025 compared to 2010; 
  • Reducing our vehicle fleet’s carbon footprint;
  •  Featuring at least one responsible product per product family and recycling 80% of our textiles. 


At the end of 2020, the Group had:

  • reduced emissions intensity by 12%
  • improved thermal energy efficiency by 18%; 
  • grown its fleet of alternative vehicles and is developing a tool for optimising delivery routes
  • achieved 65% recycling of  textile waste and continues the development of new recycling streams. 

Moreover, Elis Group continues to expand the use of renewable energy (for example, biomass in South America or some solar panels in Europe) and has 81 plants with ISO 50001 certification.


Providing our customers with responsible solutions

By making goods available for rental rather than purchase, Elis helps relieve the pressure on natural resources and reduces the environmental footprint of its customers. Through lifecycle analyses, Elis provides insights into the benefits of its products and services while feeding discussions around more sustainable designs,concepts, material choices, production methods recyclability etc. 

For example:

  • opting for reusable Hospital scrub suits reduces emissions by 32% compared with disposable garments (a figure that may reach up to 62% based on actual consumption); and 
  • using a hand towel with a cotton spool   reduces emissions up to 29% compared with disposable paper towel dispensers.

Forging partnerships throughout our value chain

The Elis Group’s climate commitment is also reflected in its relations with its stakeholders.

With suppliers, for example, Elis partner to identify more responsible materials or innovate to reduce energy and water consumption at its plants.

With customers, to develop and offer more responsible solutions, for example through highlighting  reuse over single-use. With other stakeholders from its eco-system, Elis works on promoting circular economy and the development of new recycling streams.