
Elis Pest Control service includes:

  • fleche_turquoise
    Audit of your premises and summary of facilities
  • fleche_turquoise
    Targeted on-site implementation + HACCP file
  • fleche_turquoise
    Traceability of all our interventions
  • fleche_turquoise
    Advice and recommendations
  • fleche_turquoise
    Treatment report sent automatically

Nos certifications


  • Certibiocide


  • frelon

The hornet has a complete metamorphosis cycle (egg, larva, nymph, and adult). It is an insect predator, feeding mainly on liquid and sweet foods. The larvae feed on insects, sources of proteins (bees). Their wings are red. The abdomen is yellow-orange. Otherwise, it looks like a wasp. Hornets are known for building their nests in enclosed spaces that provide comfort and security. They sometimes use old rodent burrows. Hornet stings can be very dangerous and lead to complications.

  • > Size: up to 3.5 cm for the queen, 2.6 cm for the worker, and 2.7 cm for the male; color: black with an orange stripe; life span: one year for the queen.
  • > Places of contamination: the location of the nest is possible almost everywhere.
  • > Living areas: living in a hierarchical colony.
  • > Nuisances: painful stings, serious allergic reactions sometimes fatal; possibility of stinging and re-stinging at will; impact on the company’s image.
  • > Reproduction: up to 2,000 hornets in a nest.

Un service soucieux de son impact environnemental

L’impact environnemental est au cœur de nos préoccupations ; nous basons nos interventions sur la méthode de lutte intégrée est basée sur l'adoption de techniques et de solutions innovantes plus respectueuses de l’environnement. 

Cela implique un diagnostic systématique de votre établissement qui permet :

  • d’adapter nos prestations à votre secteur d’activité
  • d’opter pour des solutions non-toxiques en fonction du nuisible ciblé 


En savoir plus

Renseignement, devis ou demande d’intervention

Elis assure une traçabilité systématique d'intervention grâce à Elis Connect
