mite alimentaire

Elis Pest Control service includes:

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    Audit of your premises and summary of facilities
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    Traceability of all our interventions
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    Targeted on-site implementation + HACCP file
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    Control and changing of biocides
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  • Certibiocide

Food moths

  • mite alimentaire

The food moth has a complete metamorphosis (egg, larva, chrysalis, adult). The adult food moth has a globular head and looks like a small butterfly. The larvae of the food moth weave silk nests in which they spend part of their lives and molt. At the end of their growth, they begin their transformation into butterflies which lasts 1 to 2 weeks. At 30°C, a generation develops and reproduces in about a month. At 10°C, it takes 7 months. They can hibernate during the harsh months.

They can destroy your merchandise and threaten the hygiene and image of your facility.

  • > Size: 2 cm; color: pale yellow to gray; life span: 1 to 3 weeks
  • > Places of contamination: kitchens, storerooms.
  • > Lifestyle: nocturnal activity; attracted by heat, darkness, and food.
  • > Nuisances: the larva attacks stored products (cereals, flours, dried fruits); company image is impacted; foodstuffs are soiled and contaminated by dejections, cocoons, and silk threads.
  • > Reproduction: 400 eggs in a lifetime.

More about the food moths

What's the difference with the textile moth?

The major difference between these 2 moths is their diet. The textile moth feeds on keratin and protein found in animal hair, mainly wool, fur and feathers.
The second difference is their size: they are much smaller, measuring 6 to 8 mm in length, and are creamy/beige in color.

Moth nuisance

Moths are harmless, but they leave behind excrement, corpses, webs, and cocoon remains.
This can lead to: food loss, allergic reactions

How to avoid an infestation?

Food moths can be carried by the products you buy. All it takes is a larva or cocoon inside or outside the package to cause an infestation.
To keep these pests out of your home, it's important to store dry foods in airtight containers and inspect them regularly. Contaminated food should be discarded, and containers thoroughly cleaned to remove any food residue that might attract moths.

Call on our Pest Control teams if you have a food moth infestation. Our technicians are trained in the procedures and operating methods required for effective, long-lasting desensitization against these pests, while being mindful of our environmental impact.

A service concerned with its environmental impact

The environmental impact is at the core of our priorities; our interventions are based on the integrated pest management method, establishes from the adoption of innovative techniques and solutions that are more respectful of the environment.

This implies a systematic diagnosis of your facility that allows us to :

  • adapt our services to your sector of activity.
  • opt for non-toxic solutions according to the targeted pest. 

Ask for information, a quote or an intervention

Elis guarantees a traceability system for each intervention thanks to Elis Connect
