Mouche & Moucheron

Elis Pest Control service includes:

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    Audit of your premises and summary of facilities
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    Targeted on-site implementation + HACCP file
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    Control and changing of biocides
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    Traceability of all our interventions
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    Advice and recommendations
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    Treatment report sent automatically
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    Curative intervention in case of infestation
How to avoid and deal with a fly infestation?

Our quality certifications


  • Certibiocide

Fly and midge

  • Mouche & Moucheron

The fly has a growth cycle with complete metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa (immobile state), and insect, which is completed in about 2 weeks. It is omnivorous, feeding on human detritus, waste, excrement, and organic matter in decomposition. Adults feed outdoors as well as in farms or households.

The midges or "small flies" are not young insects, but particular species, or malnourished flies in the larval stage.
Contamination occurs by contact when the fly lands on the food and absorbs it using its digestive juices. Houseflies are the most widespread insects on the planet.

  • > Size: 6-8 mm long for the fly, less than 4 mm for the midge. Vision: 200 images vs. 24 images for humans; life span: 2 to 5 weeks.
  • > Places of contamination: Intrusion everywhere on the premises.
  • > Lifestyle: attracted by heat, light, humidity, and food.
  • > Nuisances: larvae oviposition accelerates rotting and fermentation; food and surfaces soiled by excrement and corpses; discomfort in the workplace and homes.
  • > Reproduction: 500 to 1000 eggs in 4 to 6 clutches; 1 couple of flies: 50 million offspring in 1 month.

A service concerned with its environmental impact

The environmental impact is at the core of our priorities; our interventions are based on the integrated pest management method, establishes from the adoption of innovative techniques and solutions that are more respectful of the environment.

This implies a systematic diagnosis of your facility that allows us to :

  • adapt our services to your sector of activity.
  • opt for non-toxic solutions according to the targeted pest. 

Ask for information, a quote or an intervention

Elis guarantees a traceability system for each intervention thanks to Elis Connect
