Elis Pest Control service includes:
Black rats
The black rat has poor eyesight; however, its senses of hearing, smell, touch, and taste are highly developed. The touch through its vibrissae allows him to orient himself. It is a good runner and an excellent climber.
The black rat is frugivorous and vegetarian (fruits, vegetables, cereals, seeds, roots). Its incisors grow very quickly to reach almost 10 cm per year; therefore, It controls its growth by gnawing continuously, which can cause significant damage.
A service concerned with its environmental impact
The environmental impact is at the core of our priorities; our interventions are based on the integrated pest management method, establishes from the adoption of innovative techniques and solutions that are more respectful of the environment.
This implies a systematic diagnosis of your facility that allows us to :
- adapt our services to your sector of activity.
- opt for non-toxic solutions according to the targeted pest.
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