• Half-year financial reports 2015

    Half-year financial reports

    1.41 MB • July, 29th 2015

  • H1 2015 results presentation

    Financial presentations

    5.96 MB • July, 29th 2015

  • Elis continues its growth strategy with two acquisitions in Switzerland and Brazil

    Press releases

    61.2 KB • July, 10th 2015

  • Completion of the winding-up without liquidation of Novalis

    Press releases

    59.66 KB • July, 9th 2015

  • Disclosure of the number of shares forming the capital and of the total number of voting rights as of 30 06 2015

    Voting rights

    45.28 KB • July, 7th 2015

  • Half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract

    Share buy-back programs and liquidity contract

    43.65 KB • July, 2nd 2015

  • Résultats des votes à l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du 24 juin 2015

    Shareholders meetings

    82.79 KB • June, 26th 2015

  • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of June 24, 2015 (French version only)

    Shareholders meetings

    5.57 MB • June, 24th 2015

  • Description of the 2015 share buy-back program

    Share buy-back programs and liquidity contract

    69.14 KB • June, 24th 2015

  • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of June 24, 2015 (French version only)

    Shareholders meetings

    5.57 MB • June, 24th 2015