Direct chill watercooler with pedals
A direct chill watercooler fitting in all environments and designed to ensure a comfortable and hygienic water dispense experience thanks to a convenient pedal system. It is equipped with an activated carbon filter to improve the water taste.
Professionnels de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration, bénéficiez de notre offre de reprise d'activité !
Votre activité redémarre progressivement et vous souhaitez accueillir vos clients dans les meilleures conditions. Avez-vous pensé aux dispositifs pour repousser mouches, insectes, guêpes, et autre nuisibles qui envahiraient vos espaces d'accueil ou même les chambres de vos clients ? Avez-vous pensé à la location-entretien pour votre linge de lit et de bain, ou aux vêtements de travail de vos employés pour optimiser les coûts sur ces postes de dépenses souvent élevés ?
Hotels, bars and restaurants: our hygiene solutions to support your recovery
Hoteliers, caterers, for the last year, your establishment has faced considerable variations in activity. Aware of the new challenges your profession faces, Elis is working hard to ensure that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. Our teams are working with you to effectively meet your needs and support you with solutions tailored to your business. It is our responsibility to take care of your linen so that you can take care of your customers.
Optez pour la fontaine à eau Elis !
4 waters watercooler
The new Elis watercooler “4 waters” combines a sleek stylish design with an easy to use water dispense system while offering one of the largest choices of water (cold, cook, hot, sparkling) of the market. This watercooler is also available with a UV option. Having a watercooler in your premises will improve your employees’ and visitor’s experience thus participating in creating a positive image of your company. Elis’ service includes a regular check of the watercoolers to ensure a flawless and hygienic dispense of water.
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Elis Connect Pest Control : notre solution de traçabilité connectée
Notre solution de traçabilité Elis Connect pensée pour répondre à vos attentes !
High pressure cleaning
Over time, buildings, monuments, and churches deteriorate, and this affects their splendor. To preserve their original appearance, it is necessary to carry out a high-pressure cleaning of professional quality for roofs, facades, floors, and walls. Our treatments, carried out with professional products following rigorous protocols, are particularly adapted to companies and communities in order to give a facelift to buildings and to give them a healthy and clean image. The products used will guarantee optimal safety in compliance with the regulations.
Maintenance of continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV)
Your CMV network provides fresh, healthy air to your staff and visitors When a building is efficiently insulated and waterproofed, the use of CMV is even more important. There are major problems associated with poorly maintained CMV networks, including development of moulds, risks related to hygiene and health, fire risk and financial losses. This has resulted in the regulation by decree and ministerial order of the maintenance of CMV, gas CMV and natural ventilation systems. In order to prevent these risks, our hygiene specialists will assist you with the maintenance and disinfection of ventilation ducts, in compliance with legislation. As an expert in the maintenance and disinfection of CMV ducts, Elis provides services for effective CMV to refresh air in buildings as well as to clean and replace the CMV or check the network.
Roof demossing
Failing to maintain tiles and roofs and not cleaning/demossing could have consequences for your roofs: tiles become porous and fragile, increasing the risk of cracks and leaks. Roof tiles move apart over time. Erosion loads the tile with moisture, encouraging the growth of moss, lichen and other signs of pollution. To prevent this damage, roofs must be maintained and cleaned. Elis provides you with a thorough and efficient treatment that produces great results. Treatment that offers peace of mind: Elis uses a special roof cleaning and demossing unit, operating throughout the Rhône-Alpes area and specifically to the west of Lyon, near Bourgoin Jailleu, in the cities of Chambéry and Voiron and in Ain.